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  • Writer's pictureShona

Hello Arkansas, We Are Back!

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

It's our favorite time of year .... camping season, and this time we headed back to Arkansas but had a weekend full of new adventures planned. Since we booked last minute, the campgrounds were almost all full but we did find a tent spot at Steel Creek Campground. Steel Creek is located on the Buffalo River under the towering Roark Bluff. Located just 3 miles west of Ponca along Highway 74, it's location gives you access to a number of easy day trips!

We arrived at dusk so we quickly set up camp and opted for a quick dinner before sitting around the fire enjoying the star-filled sky and listening to the sounds of nature. [bonus; we shared the firewood we had grabbed along the roadside with a family next to us and the next thing you know, their kids were bringing us s'mores] ... how did they know we needed that?

We were up early Saturday morning for breakfast over the fire. Eggs with mushrooms, bacon, and toast with honey. We loaded up White Lightening and set out for our full day of exploring. After doing a bit of research before leaving, the first stop of the day would be Alum Cove Natural Bridge. A short 1.2 mile loop hike along the river with one of the oldest natural bridges in this part of the country. At 130 feet long, the view from beneath the bridge was beautiful ... not to mention the small little waterfall falling from above. Perks; dogs are allowed and they have a nice little picnic area with fire rings if you want to park it there for a while. Overall, I definitely recommend this hike!

Location: Steel Creek Campground; Alum Cove Natural Bridge

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