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  • Writer's pictureShona

Western Kansas Wonders

I bet you didn't know that Western Kansas was full of not so hidden gems - I'm talking about Monument Rocks and Castle Rock, both located in Gove County. 80 million years ago, this area was covered by an inland sea and today you are seeing what is left of the erosion of the sea bed. The sedimentary formations of Niobrara Chalk reach a height of 70 feet and are a beautiful site to see among the prairie land. The limestone chalk is delicate so please be careful not to harm the rocks. The land is privately owned but you can visit here anytime between sunrise and sunset.

Location: Monument Rocks

Castle Rock is located a little over an hour from Monument - but do not skip this one! Be sure to have a high clearance vehicle as the ruts leading down to the formations can be quite deep. Here not only can you see Castle Rock, but just to the South are amazing hoodoos and different forms of vegetation. Also located on private land, be sure to visit in daylight hours only.

Location: Castle Rock

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1 Comment

Sep 01, 2021

Cool things to see in Western Kansas. Have yet to explore Kansas.

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